NDI: political crisis, attacks on NGOs, media raises concerns among Georgians, int’l alies

NDI: political crisis, attacks on NGOs, media raises concerns among Georgians, int’l alies

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has released a statement ahead of October 2 municipal elections in Georgia, stating that a protracted political crisis and recent attacks on civil society and media raised concerns among the Georgian public and international community about the Georgian government’s continued commitment to a democratic, Euro-Atlantic path. 



It said that according to NDI’s July 2021 poll, a majority of Georgians do not believe they currently live in a democracy. 


NDI states that the breakdown of the April 19 agreement, ‘which established a roadmap to advance long needed reforms’, further undermined confidence. 


“These elections provide an opportunity for Georgia’s political leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the democratic path by adhering to democratic principles and focusing on the political and economic priorities of its citizens,” said the statement. 


NDI said that attacks on media representatives and NGOs are ‘unacceptable’ and that the government must bear the weight of ensuring accountability for those who seek to disrupt the work of these organizations. 


It said that over the last three decades, Georgia has served as a model to other countries in the region, undertaking political reforms in its pursuit of a democratic, European, and Euro-Atlantic future.


“ Recent electoral reforms have yielded a legal framework that will lead toward a proportional representation, consensus-driven system. Civil society organizations have played a vital and active role in political life, including impartial observation of electoral and political processes. Most importantly, the vast majority of Georgians, as demonstrated by NDI’s February 2021 public opinion poll, expect their political leaders to cooperate and deliver on the Georgian people’s democratic aspirations,” NDI said. 


With approximately three weeks until election day NDI has offered the following recommendations ‘that can strengthen democratic institutions and processes in Georgia:’


 ● All stakeholders should respect the rights of election observers and media organizations to conduct their oversight functions without harassment or obstruction, as well as the rights of those engaged in campaigning and voting. The government should ensure that law enforcement bodies are properly instructed and equipped to safeguard these rights. 


● Authorities should conduct a swift, thorough, and unbiased investigation into and timely prosecution of alleged cases of violence, intimidation, and vote buying. 


● Electoral authorities should make extra efforts to swiftly and properly adjudicate submitted electoral complaints and conduct appropriate subsequent action.


● All party supporters must refrain from political violence and intimidation. Political parties should institute and deploy internal sanctions in a timely manner for those who violate these principles. 


● Political parties should run issue-based, citizen-focused campaigns and take all opportunities provided by broadcasters to engage in debate and present their policy agendas to the public. 


● All political parties should participate in the political process before, during and after the elections and commit themselves to establishing constructive dialogue to implement reforms in line with the spirit of the April 19 agreement. Such a course of action could reassure voters that the upcoming elections would be a precursor to genuine political reform. 


The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has released a statement ahead of October 2 municipal elections in Georgia, stating that a protracted political crisis and recent attacks on civil society and media raised concerns among the Georgian public and international community about the Georgian government’s continued commitment to a democratic, Euro-Atlantic path. 


<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNational.Democratic.Institute%2Fposts%2F10158805450479425&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="563" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>


It said that according to NDI’s July 2021 poll, a majority of Georgians do not believe they currently live in a democracy. 


NDI states that the breakdown of the April 19 agreement, ‘which established a roadmap to advance long needed reforms’, further undermined confidence. 


“These elections provide an opportunity for Georgia’s political leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the democratic path by adhering to democratic principles and focusing on the political and economic priorities of its citizens,” said the statement. 


NDI said that attacks on media representatives and NGOs are ‘unacceptable’ and that the government must bear the weight of ensuring accountability for those who seek to disrupt the work of these organizations. 


It said that over the last three decades, Georgia has served as a model to other countries in the region, undertaking political reforms in its pursuit of a democratic, European, and Euro-Atlantic future.


“ Recent electoral reforms have yielded a legal framework that will lead toward a proportional representation, consensus-driven system. Civil society organizations have played a vital and active role in political life, including impartial observation of electoral and political processes. Most importantly, the vast majority of Georgians, as demonstrated by NDI’s February 2021 public opinion poll, expect their political leaders to cooperate and deliver on the Georgian people’s democratic aspirations,” NDI said. 


With approximately three weeks until election day NDI has offered the following recommendations ‘that can strengthen democratic institutions and processes in Georgia:’


 ● All stakeholders should respect the rights of election observers and media organizations to conduct their oversight functions without harassment or obstruction, as well as the rights of those engaged in campaigning and voting. The government should ensure that law enforcement bodies are properly instructed and equipped to safeguard these rights. 


● Authorities should conduct a swift, thorough, and unbiased investigation into and timely prosecution of alleged cases of violence, intimidation, and vote buying. 


● Electoral authorities should make extra efforts to swiftly and properly adjudicate submitted electoral complaints and conduct appropriate subsequent action.


● All party supporters must refrain from political violence and intimidation. Political parties should institute and deploy internal sanctions in a timely manner for those who violate these principles. 


● Political parties should run issue-based, citizen-focused campaigns and take all opportunities provided by broadcasters to engage in debate and present their policy agendas to the public. 


● All political parties should participate in the political process before, during and after the elections and commit themselves to establishing constructive dialogue to implement reforms in line with the spirit of the April 19 agreement. Such a course of action could reassure voters that the upcoming elections would be a precursor to genuine political reform.