
Batumi Court fines Mzia Amaglobeli 2000 GEL over sticker case

Batumi City Court has fined detained media manager Mzia Amaglobeli 2,000 GEL for allegedly disobeying a police officer’s “lawful order.” Judge Salikh Shainidze ruled that Amaglobeli, founder and director of Batumelebi and Netgazeti, violated Article 173 of the Administrative Offenses Code.

During the court ruling, protesters shouted, “Unfair court!” and “Fear the power of the people!”

Amaglobeli was initially detained on January 11 under administrative charges but was released and then rearrested a few hours later, on January 12, this time under criminal charges for allegedly slapping a police officer.

While in detention, the journalist went on a hunger strike for 38 days. On the 24th day, she was transferred to a hospital but was returned to prison only after ending her protest.



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