
Ex-PM Garibashvili: “On October 26, we say no to agents, foreign meddlers, and LGBT propaganda!”

Ruling Georgian Dream (GD) Chair and ex-Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili delivered a speech in Tbilisi at GD’s final campaign rally ahead of the October 26 elections, calling on Georgians to reject „foreign interference, pseudo-liberal fascism,” and the return of opposition forces he labeled as agents of outside powers. Garibashvili emphasized Georgian sovereignty, denouncing any foreign influence in the country’s political affairs, including the promotion of what he called LGBT propaganda.

“On October 26, we must say no to agents, no to their foreign backers, no to pseudo-liberal fascism, no to LGBT propaganda, and no to foreign interference in our internal affairs,” declared Garibashvili. His speech focused on the themes of national pride and sovereignty, warning against what he described as attempts by foreign countries and external politicians to meddle in Georgia’s elections and political processes.

He invoked the memory of the 2012 elections, recalling how the Georgian people, under the leadership of GD founder Bidzina Ivanishvili, ousted what Garibashvili called a “bloody and oppressive regime” led by the United National Movement (UNM).

“In 2012, we stood here, united, and showed the world that no one can stand against the will of the Georgian people. That historic victory was achieved under the leadership of our founder, the true patriot Bidzina Ivanishvili, and today, we stand just as united, ready to win again on October 26,” Garibashvili stated.

Addressing the opposition, particularly the UNM, Garibashvili did not hold back. He condemned the UNM as a regime that brought “terror, war, and the loss of territory” to Georgia. “They were supported by foreign forces that promoted a false narrative of European values when in reality, they trampled on the freedoms and dignity of the Georgian people,” he said, accusing the UNM of systematically oppressing its own citizens and aligning with foreign interests to the detriment of the nation.

Garibashvili reiterated his party’s commitment to stability, economic progress, and a European future, but made it clear that this future would be on Georgia’s own terms. “We will not allow anyone to impose their agenda on us. Our European future is rooted in our traditions, our culture, and our Christian faith,” he emphasized.

He framed the October 26 elections as a stark choice between peace and war, portraying the GD as the only party capable of securing stability and continued development. “On one side is the Georgian Dream, the guarantor of peace, stability, and prosperity. On the other side stands a coalition of agents, symbolizing war, betrayal, and violence,” Garibashvili warned.

He singled out opposition figures, including former President Mikheil Saakashvili and others aligned with the UNM, accusing them of working in concert with foreign powers to drag Georgia into conflict. “They want Georgia to be turned into a second front, to join the war and face destruction. But we will not allow Georgia to become Afghanistan or Ukraine,” he stated, referring to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Western calls for Georgia to impose sanctions on Russia.

Garibashvili’s speech also targeted newer political players, labeling them as extensions of the UNM’s foreign-backed agenda. He particularly criticized former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia and businessman Mamuka Khazaradze, accusing them of plotting to form an opposition coalition to dismantle Georgia’s sovereignty. “Khazaradze and Gakharia’s only mission is to cross the threshold and join the coalition of agents. They serve the same foreign interests as Saakashvili, all to open a second front in Georgia,” he claimed.
Concluding his speech, Garibashvili called for national unity, urging all Georgians to turn out in large numbers on election day to deliver a decisive victory for the Georgian Dream.

“The choice is simple: it’s either war or peace. Those who vote for the opposition vote for war, the return of the bloody regime, and the destruction of our country. Those who vote for the Georgian Dream vote for peace, development, and a dignified European future,” he said.



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