Deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, former President Dmitry Medvedev, claimed in his post on August 2, which he later deleted, that the Georgian state did not exist before its “joining Russia” and that Russia planned to restore the Soviet Union.
“No one should doubt that the fatal mistake made in the early 1990s will be corrected, there will be no parade of sovereignties, and all the nations that once lived in the great and powerful Soviet Union will live together again in friendship and understanding. We have already started to move in this direction. After liberating all territories of Kyiv and Malorossiya from the nationalist gangs who invented Ukrainianism for themselves, Russia will become united again, as it was 1,000 years ago. After that, with the efforts of Moscow and the leadership of the Slavic nation, we will go on a new campaign, in order to restore the borders of our homeland, which, as is known, do not end anywhere”, Medvedev said.
In his post Medvedev brought an example of Georgia, as a county “which did not exist at all. In 1801, the current territory of Georgia consisted of five independent entities: Kartli and Kakheti with their capital in Tbilisi, Imereti with their capital in Kutaisi, Samegrelo and Guria on the Black Sea coast, and Svaneti in the mountainous regions”.
“In other words, Russia created Georgia within these borders. Georgia turned to Russia because it understood that Russia was its only natural ally in a rather hostile environment of Muslims. The same thing is happening now. North and South Ossetia, as well as Abkhazia, can be united with the rest of Georgia only as part of Russia,” Medvedev wrote.
Currently Russia occupies 20 percent of the Georgian territory.