Georgian Dream Party head dismisses link between EU candidacy and EU-Hungary dispute over Ukraine

Georgian Dream Party head dismisses link between EU candidacy and EU-Hungary dispute over Ukraine

Irakli Kobakhidze, the head of Georgia's ruling party, declared on Thursday that any connection between Georgia's pursuit of EU candidacy and the ongoing disagreements between Hungary and the European Union concerning Ukraine was "absolutely artificial".

Speaking for the press in Budapest, Kobakhidze addressed concerns that the tensions between Hungary and the EU, particularly regarding Ukraine's aid and accession, might impact Georgia's EU aspirations. He stated that the current controversies would not hinder Georgia's pursuit of EU membership.

Highlighting Georgia's commitment to the bloc, Kobakhidze affirmed Tbilisi's support for the EU membership of both Ukraine and Moldova and commended Hungary as a "firm supporter" of Georgia's integration into the EU.

As Hungary threatens to block a $50 billion aid package to Ukraine and its accession to the EU, Kobakhidze remainED confident that Georgia's path to EU candidacy remained unaffected by the ongoing disputes within the bloc.

Irakli Kobakhidze, the head of Georgia's ruling party, declared on Thursday that any connection between Georgia's pursuit of EU candidacy and the ongoing disagreements between Hungary and the European Union concerning Ukraine was "absolutely artificial".

Speaking for the press in Budapest, Kobakhidze addressed concerns that the tensions between Hungary and the EU, particularly regarding Ukraine's aid and accession, might impact Georgia's EU aspirations. He stated that the current controversies would not hinder Georgia's pursuit of EU membership.

Highlighting Georgia's commitment to the bloc, Kobakhidze affirmed Tbilisi's support for the EU membership of both Ukraine and Moldova and commended Hungary as a "firm supporter" of Georgia's integration into the EU.

As Hungary threatens to block a $50 billion aid package to Ukraine and its accession to the EU, Kobakhidze remainED confident that Georgia's path to EU candidacy remained unaffected by the ongoing disputes within the bloc.