
Tbilisi Mayor: “Radicals and traitors will not return to power”

During the final rally of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party’s election campaign, Secretary General and Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze delivered a speech, condemning opposition forces and vowing that Georgia would not return to its past under what he called “radicals and traitors.” Addressing a crowd, Kaladze emphasized that Georgia’s future lies firmly in Europe but with full respect for its sovereignty and national values.

Kaladze directly addressed opposition groups and their foreign supporters, accusing them of trying to destabilize Georgia and undermine its independence. “I want to address the local radicals and their foreign backers: this cannot and will not continue. Traitors who sold out our country will not return to power, and Georgia will not return to the past,” Kaladze stated.

He recalled the political changes of 2012 when Georgian Dream, led by Bidzina Ivanishvili, ended what he described as a “bloody and oppressive regime” of the United National Movement (UNM). Kaladze praised the peaceful transition of power, noting that GD had ushered in an era of media freedom, business autonomy, and citizen rights.

“Since we came to power, the media and businesses have been freed from government control. Nobody is tortured or oppressed in the name of the state anymore. Today, we have peace, freedom, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and a state that supports and cares for its citizens,” he declared, listing the government’s achievements over the past 12 years.

Kaladze went on to reject any outside interference in Georgia’s politics, emphasizing that while Georgia seeks a European future, it will not do so at the cost of its sovereignty. “We want a European future, but not one imposed on us from outside. We refuse to be anyone’s vassal or follow orders against our national interests. Georgia’s sovereignty will not be compromised, nor will the freedom and independence that our ancestors won with blood,” Kaladze said.

He underscored that Georgia’s European aspirations are based on shared values of freedom, equality, and justice, but warned that these ideals must be pursued in line with Georgia’s unique culture and Christian identity.

Addressing the crowd, Kaladze emphasized the importance of unity, recalling how the people of Georgia came together in 2012 to reject the rule of the UNM. “I look at you, and I remember that moment 12 years ago, when we gathered in this very place, full of hope, and told each other that we would end the violent, unjust regime that gripped our country. Under Bidzina Ivanishvili’s leadership, we did it — peacefully, without bloodshed,” he said.

He also emphasized that external forces trying to influence Georgia’s elections, accusing them of supporting opposition groups and attempting to bring back a regime that, according to Kaladze, caused much suffering to the Georgian people. “Today, external forces are directly interfering in our elections, pressuring and trying to return those who brought so much pain to our country. They can’t accept that Georgia did not follow Ukraine’s fate and did not join the sanctions,” he said, referring to Western „pressure” on Georgia to align more closely with the sanctions regime against Russia.

Kaladze also extended an olive branch to Georgia’s breakaway regions, expressing hope for reconciliation with Abkhazian and Ossetian communities. “I greet our Abkhazian and Ossetian brothers and sisters. I am certain that soon we will achieve forgiveness, rebuild trust, and live together once again,” he said, emphasizing the importance of a united and peaceful Georgia.

The mayor called on the voters to support the GD in the upcoming October 26 elections, portraying the vote as a battle for Georgia’s future. “Friends, today we face a decisive battle for the sovereignty, identity, and national interests of Georgia. This is our fight, and on election day, we must stand together and ensure a clear, undeniable victory. Our country’s future is at stake,” Kaladze urged.

He ended his speech by declaring, “Our homeland comes first. This is our approach and our commitment to our country. Georgia will not be led astray by its enemies, inside or outside. We will secure a European future on our terms, with peace, dignity, and prosperity.”



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