A tragic incident occurred in the private territory of Rike Park, known as Rike Docks, where a 16-year-old teenager lost his life. The area remains cordoned off with yellow police tape as investigations continue.
According to reports from domestic media, a group of teenagers secretly entered the premises of Rike Docks, where one of them fell into accumulated water in the area. The teenager tragically drowned. The incident took place on January 25, but it only became public knowledge today.
Tbilisi City Hall has clarified that the tragedy occurred within a private building and refuted claims that the teenager fell into an open ditch in Rike Park.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has launched an investigation into the incident under Article 115 of the Criminal Code, which pertains to incitement to suicide.
The Rike Docks building was completed in 2012 and was originally intended to host an art center and a music and drama theater. In later years, a petition was launched to convert the space into a wine museum. The site, registered under the Ministry of Economy, was ultimately put up for sale by the Georgian Dream government.
On March 24, 2022, after six unsuccessful attempts, the National Agency for State Property auctioned off Rike Docks. The 14,591-square-meter plot, along with the building, was sold for 10,020,000 GEL – nearly ten times lower than its initial valuation. The buyer was later identified as Davit Khidasheli, a businessman reportedly close to the government.