
WHO urges United States to reconsider withdrawal decision

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed deep regret following the announcement of the United States’ intention to withdraw from the Organization. WHO emphasized its critical role in safeguarding global health and security, including that of American citizens, by tackling the root causes of disease, strengthening health systems, and responding to health emergencies worldwide.

“The United States was a founding member of WHO in 1948 and has actively shaped its mission over the past seven decades,” the statement read. WHO highlighted joint achievements such as the eradication of smallpox and near-elimination of polio as examples of the USA’s longstanding contributions to global health.

Acknowledging the reforms undertaken in recent years to enhance accountability and effectiveness, WHO reiterated its commitment to working with all Member States, including the USA. “We hope the United States will reconsider and look forward to constructive dialogue to preserve this critical partnership for the health and well-being of millions globally,” the statement concluded.



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