US confirms four attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea, alleges Iranian support

US confirms four attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea, alleges Iranian support

The United States has officially acknowledged four attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, emphasizing the direct threat posed to international trade and maritime security. According to a statement from the US Central Command, the targeted vessels were associated with 14 different countries.

The statement also pointed the finger at the Houthi rebels in Yemen for carrying out the attacks and alleged full support from Iran. The US Central Command warned that those incidents would be met with a “comprehensive response”, with the United States considering “all necessary retaliatory measures”. 

On Sunday reports emerged, citing the US Department of Defense, detailing an attack on an American warship and several commercial ships in the Red Sea.

The United States has officially acknowledged four attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, emphasizing the direct threat posed to international trade and maritime security. According to a statement from the US Central Command, the targeted vessels were associated with 14 different countries.

The statement also pointed the finger at the Houthi rebels in Yemen for carrying out the attacks and alleged full support from Iran. The US Central Command warned that those incidents would be met with a “comprehensive response”, with the United States considering “all necessary retaliatory measures”. 

On Sunday reports emerged, citing the US Department of Defense, detailing an attack on an American warship and several commercial ships in the Red Sea.