US wants nothing more than peace, prosperity, and independence for Georgia - Ambassador on Independence Day

US wants nothing more than peace, prosperity, and independence for Georgia - Ambassador on Independence Day

In an address during the U.S. Independence Day celebrations in Tbilisi, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan, reaffirmed America's steadfast support for Georgia's sovereignty, peace, and prosperity. 


Speaking to a gathering of diplomats, Georgian officials, and citizens, Dunnigan drew parallels between the American and Georgian struggles for independence and the ongoing pursuit of democratic ideals.


"On Independence Day, Americans gather to celebrate our freedom," began Ambassador Dunnigan. "It is a day when we reflect on the tremendous sacrifices made for our independence, a day when we remember that freedom is not free. But it is also a day of celebration, a day of optimism and joy."


Dunnigan praised the Georgian national football team for their historic performance in the European Championships, congratulating them and the nation for bringing joy and optimism. She highlighted the shared spirit of the American dream and the Georgian dream, both founded on the belief that hard work in a free society could create a better future for subsequent generations.


"The core of the American dream is the belief that if you live in a free society and work hard, then you can create a better life for your children and future generations," she stated. "And I believe these are also at the core of the Georgian spirit."


Reflecting on the histories of both nations, Dunnigan acknowledged the significant efforts and sacrifices made to achieve and maintain independence. She honored Georgians who had fought for their language, identity, and sovereignty, particularly highlighting the events of 1978, April 1989, and the 2008 conflict with Russia.


The Ambassador condemned global threats to democracy, emphasizing the importance of continued cooperation and support. 


"The United States wants nothing more than peace, prosperity, and independence for Georgia. We will continue to work with all Georgians to support a Georgia that is open, prosperous, and able to defend itself," Dunnigan affirmed.


She also celebrated the strategic partnership between the United States and Georgia, which had flourished over the past 32 years, “benefiting both nations”. Dunnigan expressed hope for Georgia's future integration into the European Union, acknowledging the country's progress through hard work and collaboration with the United States and European allies.


In concluding her speech, Ambassador Dunnigan expressed gratitude to the Embassy team, sponsors, and the men and women in uniform who defend freedom. "Please join me in raising a glass to toast to our freedom, our partnership, and our children’s future. Happy Birthday, America!" Dunnigan concluded, encapsulating the spirit of unity and shared aspirations between the United States and Georgia.

In an address during the U.S. Independence Day celebrations in Tbilisi, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan, reaffirmed America's steadfast support for Georgia's sovereignty, peace, and prosperity. 


Speaking to a gathering of diplomats, Georgian officials, and citizens, Dunnigan drew parallels between the American and Georgian struggles for independence and the ongoing pursuit of democratic ideals.


"On Independence Day, Americans gather to celebrate our freedom," began Ambassador Dunnigan. "It is a day when we reflect on the tremendous sacrifices made for our independence, a day when we remember that freedom is not free. But it is also a day of celebration, a day of optimism and joy."


Dunnigan praised the Georgian national football team for their historic performance in the European Championships, congratulating them and the nation for bringing joy and optimism. She highlighted the shared spirit of the American dream and the Georgian dream, both founded on the belief that hard work in a free society could create a better future for subsequent generations.


"The core of the American dream is the belief that if you live in a free society and work hard, then you can create a better life for your children and future generations," she stated. "And I believe these are also at the core of the Georgian spirit."


Reflecting on the histories of both nations, Dunnigan acknowledged the significant efforts and sacrifices made to achieve and maintain independence. She honored Georgians who had fought for their language, identity, and sovereignty, particularly highlighting the events of 1978, April 1989, and the 2008 conflict with Russia.


The Ambassador condemned global threats to democracy, emphasizing the importance of continued cooperation and support. 


"The United States wants nothing more than peace, prosperity, and independence for Georgia. We will continue to work with all Georgians to support a Georgia that is open, prosperous, and able to defend itself," Dunnigan affirmed.


She also celebrated the strategic partnership between the United States and Georgia, which had flourished over the past 32 years, “benefiting both nations”. Dunnigan expressed hope for Georgia's future integration into the European Union, acknowledging the country's progress through hard work and collaboration with the United States and European allies.


In concluding her speech, Ambassador Dunnigan expressed gratitude to the Embassy team, sponsors, and the men and women in uniform who defend freedom. "Please join me in raising a glass to toast to our freedom, our partnership, and our children’s future. Happy Birthday, America!" Dunnigan concluded, encapsulating the spirit of unity and shared aspirations between the United States and Georgia.