
Georgian PM: Ukraine’s decision to withdraw diplomatic envoy hinders relations

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze expressed concern over Ukraine’s recent decision to recall its temporary representative from Georgia, stating that the move does not contribute to the development of bilateral relations. Responding to a journalist’s question, Kobakhidze emphasized that Georgia remains committed to its one-sided friendship with Ukraine, as it is in the best interest of the Ukrainian people.

“We have not withdrawn our ambassador from Ukraine, nor have we requested the withdrawal of Ukraine’s ambassador from Georgia. These actions were taken by the Ukrainian side,” Kobakhidze said.
He explained that Ukraine withdrew its ambassador from Georgia for two reasons: Georgia’s refusal to join sanctions against Russia, which he argued would have harmed the Georgian economy, and the decision not to send volunteer fighters to Ukraine, which he viewed as an attempt to open a “second front” in the war.

“We did neither—we didn’t collapse our economy, and we didn’t open a second front. This is why Ukraine withdrew its ambassador, and the public will draw its own conclusions from that,” Kobakhidze remarked. He added that following this, Georgia’s ambassador to Ukraine, who had remained in the country throughout the war, was forced to leave.
“This is the same ambassador who never left Ukraine, even for a day, since the war began. Many ambassadors, including those from Western countries, evacuated early on, which was their choice, and I don’t criticize them. But Georgia’s ambassador stayed in Kyiv on a daily basis, yet even this dedication wasn’t appreciated, and he was expelled,” the prime minister stated.

Kobakhidze called the decision unfortunate and unhelpful for bilateral relations but reaffirmed Georgia’s continued support for Ukraine.

“This is Ukraine’s government’s decision, and we find it very sad. However, we remain in a one-sided friendship mode, as this is what the Ukrainian people and our friend, Ukraine, need,” he concluded.



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