
Ex-President Saakashvili calls for unity to end ’’Russian regime” on October 26

In a social media post, Georgia’s former president Mikheil Saakashvili urged the public to unite and put an end to what he described as an “ugliness” on October 26, calling for action to secure a better future for the next generation.

“We must think together about saving our children and their future,” Saakashvili wrote, criticizing what he called an aggressive campaign driven by the “Russian regime.” According to Saakashvili, the current government resorts to hateful rhetoric when it cannot offer a vision for the future, a tactic he believes is characteristic of authoritarian regimes.

“Those consumed by the fear of losing power will go to any lengths,” he added.

In a personal anecdote, Saakashvili shared that his young daughter encountered a notorious banner depicting him near their home and was frightened, asking her mother, “Is that daddy?”

“This is psychological terror directed at children,” Saakashvili said, expressing concern not only for his family but also for other political leaders depicted on the banner. “I can only imagine how their children feel, seeing their parents portrayed as scarecrows around every corner, even near their homes.”

He concluded his post by calling on citizens to unite and “end this ugliness on October 26” for the sake of both their children and future generations.



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