
Ambassador Herczynski: ”EU-Georgia relations are at their lowest point ever”

During a meeting with media representatives on Thursday, EU Ambassador to Georgia Pawel Herczynski stated that Georgia’s EU membership bid remains stalled and EU-Georgia relations are at their lowest point ever. Despite this negative outlook, the ambassador hoped that Georgia would return to a democratic path and resume progress toward EU integration.

He emphasized the troubling state of press freedom in Georgia, condemning recent violent attacks on journalists. He expressed his solidarity with the injured and called for swift justice for those responsible.

“I am deeply grateful to meet with you during these challenging times. Over the past weeks, we have witnessed violent and appalling attacks on journalists and media workers. I sincerely hope the injured will recover quickly and that such attacks will never happen again. Perpetrators of these heinous crimes must be held accountable without delay,” said Herczynski.

The ambassador highlighted the importance of free and independent media, noting that media freedom is an essential pillar of democracy. He criticized the Georgian government’s treatment of the media and expressed concern over the necessity to prioritize the physical and psychological safety of journalists, who face violence, intimidation, and even mistreatment.

“On the first anniversary of Georgia’s EU candidacy bid, I could never have imagined witnessing such brutal treatment of journalists. The EU has always supported media development projects in Georgia, but recent events have forced some projects to shift their focus to safety training for journalists. This situation is deeply alarming,” he added.

Herczynski reaffirmed the EU’s unwavering commitment to supporting independent media and civil society in Georgia, even as EU funding for the Georgian government has been suspended due to democratic backsliding. He urged journalists to continue their vital work of informing the public and shedding light on the country’s challenges.

Reflecting on Georgia’s stalled EU integration process, the ambassador blamed a series of undemocratic decisions by the Georgian Parliament and government for the current state of relations. However, he expressed hope for a turnaround: “I do not want to end on a negative note. I hope Georgia will return to a democratic trajectory and resume its path toward EU membership.”

He concluded by praising the resilience and dedication of Georgian journalists. “Your work is the force that drives progress, and it must be valued. Thank you for your commitment to journalism and to democracy,” Herczynski told the media representatives.



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