
UNM member: Ruling GD is making promises to Russia, not the Georgian people

Giorgi Japaridze, a member of the opposition United National Movement (UNM), has accused the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party of prioritizing Russian interests over the needs of the Georgian people.

Japaridze claimed that the Georgian Dream is promising Russia to dismantle political opposition, silence NGOs, and neutralize independent media, as well as any individuals who oppose Russian influence in Georgia.

“They have nothing to say to the Georgian people during this election period. The promises GD is making are directed at Russia. They are pledging to eliminate all political parties, NGOs, and free media in Georgia, and to neutralize anyone who opposes Russian influence. It doesn’t take a magnifying glass to see this. They are entangled in their own lies,” Japaridze said.

He also criticized the government’s misleading statements regarding international relations, pointing to a supposed visit to the United States.

“They claimed they weren’t visiting the US, even though their media reported a visit. They tried to arrange meetings with both the current administration and Trump,” he added.

Japaridze further alleged that Razhden Kuprashvili, the head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, follows government orders rather than acting independently.

“Kuprashvili is just a pawn, carrying out the instructions he’s given. The directive to block Transparency International and other organizations from monitoring the elections came directly from the Georgian government,” Japaridze claimed.

His comments follow the Anti-Corruption Bureau’s reversal of a controversial decision that had required certain organizations to disclose expenses related to political activities.



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